What Is A Porter The Porter is a dark beer with flavors of chocolate, coffee, nuts and caramel. Its official definition from the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) is “a substantial, malty dark ale with a complex and flavorful roasty character.” Porters are so similar to Stouts that there tends to be confusion between the two style categories. Some craft brewers say the style guidelines between the two “can be blurred or erased,” while others use the names interchangeably when categorizing darker beers. This style emerged in London in the 18th century when brewers determined that the dark malts neutralized...

Introduction to: The Golden Ale
What Is A Golden Ale Golden Ales, also called Blonde Ales, are relatively young compared to other styles in the beer world. Known for its simplicity, the American Golden Ale was invented by small breweries in the 1970s-1980s as an “approachable” craft beer. As expected by their name, they are straw or gold in color, putting them in the Pale Ale category. Flavor wise, these sunny-hued brews are simple and straight forward. They are balanced with a little bit of sweetness, light maltiness and a hint of familiar citrus flavors. Considered clear, crisp and dry with little to no after-taste....

Introduction to: The Red Ale
What is a Red Ale Red Ales originated in Europe and unsurprisingly, are named for their reddish color. They have rich, robust flavors that provide a sweeter, butterscotch or caramelized taste. Although dark and complex, the use of American hop varieties gives them characteristics of a much lighter beer, ending with a dry, crisp and hoppy finish. The Red Ale has yet to receive an official definition but are considered the European cousin to the American Amber Ale. In fact, the Great American Beer Festival (the main award show for craft beers) puts the two together in a catchall category...

Introduction to: The Stout
What is a Stout A stout is a top-fermented beer that is best characterized by its dark color and richer, full-bodied flavoring. It is the close cousin to a porter, another style of dark beer. In fact, the two styles are often used interchangeably by the craft brewers of today. Looking back at their historical roots, the porter was the first variation of dark beer to come into existence, dating back to eighteenth century England. The Stout is a derivative of the Porter, and gets its name because it is stouter – or stronger than its Porter cousin. To make...

Introduction to: The “IPA” or India Pale Ale
What is an ipa An “IPA” is by definition a hoppy style of beer within the broader “Pale Ale” family of beers. IPA stands for “India Pale Ale” and is considered to be one of the most popular styles of beer within the craft beverage movement, typically enjoyed by more experienced beer drinkers or craft beer “connoisseurs.” “Double” or “Triple” IPAs continue within the same style but tend to up the hops content and offer a more potent beer with a higher ABV. The “India Pale Ale” beer got its name dating back to the late 1700s, when exporters of...

5 Things to Do (After Grabbing a Brew!) in Cooperstown, NY
Picture this: you’re stretched out on the lawn at Red Shed with a few friends, sipping a cold craft brew, grabbing some fresh bites from the food trailer as the sun shines overhead. It sounds pretty perfect, in our opinion. And, while we’d like to have you stay all day at the Taproom, we also know Red Shed is right down the road from some pretty fantastic attractions in Cooperstown, NY. So “sip” back and leave the planning to us – we’ve got five awesome recommendations for things to do, after you grab a brew, in Cooperstown, NY: 1. For...